seedling environment setup behaviour habit willpower design food social proof nudge design policies for yourself systemization constraint addiction make-public
seedling friendship bad equilibria make-public
seedling environment setup communication behaviour change culture social proof Schelling Point convergence design friendship make-public
Evergreen seedling computational kindness [[ask culture and guess culture]] preference computational cost theory of mind make-public
seedling infrastructure ops hosted infrastructure PTSD make-public
seedling learning elaboration grok meta make-public
seedling meta make-public
seedling clean code architecture constraint make-public
seedling make-public social interaction friendship maintaining relationships
seedling clean code unit test design feedback make-public
seedling systematization rationality make-public
seedling rationality identity garden-post make-public
seedling design clean code interface coupling encapsulation information surface area make-public
seedling thinking make-public deliberate thinking spontaneous thinking
seedling transclusion make-public
{{query: {and: {or: Evergreen en seedling §} {between: March 14th, 2022 April 26th, 2022}}}}
Evergreen overview note seedling level of abstraction make-public
seedling productivity programming language command line hacking Kotlin Jupyter make-public
seedling API interface complexity make-public
seedling level of abstraction The Rule of Least Power dev tools DSL make-public
seedling readability natural language clean code abstraction succinctness make-public
seedling remote work collaboration trust project idea problem conversation social interaction Earn Trust make-public
seedling clean code broken windows theory function level of abstraction make-public
podcast learning seedling make-public
seedling West Coast Swing Modern Swing wcs wcs/concept make-public
seedling clean code encapsulation coupling make-public
seedling externalization meta make-public
seedling brainstorming ideation collaboration collective intelligence information cascade independence Efficient Market hypothesis Yes, and group interaction asynchronous make-public
context-switch productivity context-switch seedling multitasking attention Execution make-public